What we do
The NOVA Team aims to develop a streamlined, holistic process to implement innovative antimicrobial coatings in everyday settings. The COVID-19 global pandemic clearly highlighted an underlying risk in our current urban lifestyle: The transmission of infectious diseases can rapidly reach the exponential phase, causing catastrophic and long-term impacts on the healthcare system, in turn affecting a significant portion of daily and economic activities. Any material that needs to be handled by individuals and that will stay in use after this manipulation has the potential to act as a fomite. This can be via direct contact or by the settling of the aerosols. Thus, manufacturers need to consider having safety measures to prevent disease transmission by their products.
Together with the increased citizen awareness about the subject of healthier living and working environments, there is currently an unmet need for technologies that would render the surfaces of these materials/devices/products antimicrobial in a sustainable and safe manner.
Who we are
We are a team of 14 partners from 9 different countries working together to achieve the goals of our project as best and fast as possible.