Applications: Use-case-driven coating specifications and specialized coating applicator

In WP3, the industry partners will define and elaborate the use cases and specifications that will be incorporated in WP2 for optimised coating developments. A feedback loop will be formed between WP2, WP3, and WP5 for iterations of the coatings, which will lead to the design and development of specific coating application tools in WP3. Overall, the aim is to develop a safe range of coatings for use on textiles, in public spaces, in deep-cleaned medical spaces and on glass or plastic used touchscreens.
WP3 includes the following objectives:
- to perform technology screening within NOVA and define use case criteria and needs
- to develop prototypes for application of coatings
- to validate coatings and application methods developed for commercialization.
Lead Beneficiary: AkzoNobel